Sunday, July 16, 2017

Cavanal Mountain First Sunrise of 2017

Each year, I decide on a word for the year. This word will be something upon which I will focus throughout the year. For 2017, the word was Adventure. I love to travel and explore with my camera, seeing new things, finding those out of the way places that make your heart skip a beat. 

I woke up early on January 1, 2017 and decided I wanted to see the sunrise over Cavanal Hill near my home. Grabbing my camera and a large tumbler of coffee, I raced over to Poteau so I could make my way up the hill before sunrise.

As I drove, the fog became increasingly dense. At one point, the fog was so heavy I could barely see the road. I considered turning around, but because the road had so many twists and turns, I couldn't see anything around me, I decided it would be safer to just continue up the hill. I'm so glad I did.

Around 1600', the fog broke and I was able to make it to this spot. I grabbed my camera and watched the sun rise on the first day of 2017. The fog through which I had driven was below me and I had a clear view across the valley as the warmth of the sun gradually cast its colors over the cloud cover. This spot is in Poteau, Oklahoma...clearly a landlocked state. However, looking over the clouds reminds me of an ocean with gently rolling waves.

I wanted to stay longer, but nature was calling and there are no bathrooms at the top of Cavanal Hill. I think this is something they should rectify. But it was the perfect way to start the new year.

(Note: These photos were taken on January 1, 2017. The reason they are just being posted in July is because I changed from my website to the Blogger format and am having to start over!)

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